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About Samos Kangaroo Skins

About Samos Kangaroo Skins

The Kangaroo is one of the most popular native Australian animals. 

The Kangaroo is unique to Australia, thus making the Kangaroo skin such a popular souvenir to overseas visitors.

There are two species of kangaroos.  The Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus Giganteus) and the Red Kangaroo (Macropus Rufus).

The Grey Kangaroo is known for its longish grey hair. There is no distinction between male and female on the finished kangaroo skin rug.

The Male Red Kangaroo is known for its red-coloured fur.  The Big Reds are also known as the ‘Boxing Kangaroo’. Blue-coloured fur distinguishes the Female Red Kangaroo.

Kangaroos are culled under a government program upheld by the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. For further information, refer to each State’s Kangaroo management program.

The uses for kangaroo skins are only limited by your imagination.  Some traditional uses include floor rugs, wall hangings, and as a feature piece draped over lounges. Kangaroo skins are also used in Traditional Aboriginal Cloaks.

The raw materials purchased by Samos, are strictly always by-products of the meat industry. Each supplier that we work with, are members of the Australian Wild Game Industry Council. Further information can be found here.